International Standards : ASTM, BSI, EN, IEC, ISO, OTHER
E 162 |
Radiant Panel Test |
E 1354 |
Cone Calorimeter (Standard) |
E 1354 |
Cone Calorimeter (Dual) |
D 5485 |
Cone Corrosimeter |
E 2058 |
Fire Propagation Apparatus |
E 648 |
Flooring Radiant Panel |
E 1590 |
Furniture Calorimeter |
D 2863 |
Oxygen Index |
E 662 |
Smoke Density Chamber |
E 1678 |
Toxicity (or corrosivity) Test Apparatus |
D 4108 |
TPP Test (Thermal Performance Properties) |
D 1230
CS 191, NFPA702 |
45° Flammability Test |
BS 6853 |
3m Cube Smoke Apparatus |
BS 476-15 |
Cone Calorimeter (Standard) |
BS 476-15 |
Cone Calorimeter (Dual) |
BS 4589-3 |
Elevated Temperature Oxygen Index |
BS 476-14 |
ISO Ignitability Apparatus |
BS 4589-2 |
Oxygen Index |
BS 13823 |
Single Burn Item (SBI) |
BS 11925-2 |
Single-flame Source Test |
BS 6401 |
Smoke Density Chamber |
BS 5659-2 |
Smoke Density Chamber (Horizontal Test) |
EN |
EN ISO 1716 |
Bomb Calorimeter |
EN ISO 1182 |
Non-Combustibility Test |
EN 13823 |
Single Burn Item (SBI) |
EN ISO 11925-2 |
Single-flame Source Test |
EN ISO 9239 |
Flooring Radiant Panel |
IEC 61034 |
3m Cube Smoke Apparatus |
IEC 60754-1 |
Corrosion Test Apparatus (pt 1) |
IEC 60754-2 |
Corrosion Test Apparatus (pt 2) |
IEC 60331 |
Cable Fire Propagation Test |
ISO 1716 |
Bomb Calorimeter |
ISO 5660 |
Cone Calorimeter (Standard) |
ISO 11907-4 |
Cone Corrosimeter |
ISO 5660 |
Cone Calorimeter (Dual) |
ISO 4589-3 |
Elevated Temperature Oxygen Index |
ISO 5657 |
ISO Ignitability Apparatus |
ISO 9705 |
Room Corner Test |
ISO 5658-2 |
LIFT/IMO Spread of Flame Apparatus |
ISO 17554 |
Mass Loss Calorimeter |
ISO 13927 |
Mass Loss Calorimeter |
ISO 1182 |
Non-Combustibility Test |
ISO 4589-2 |
Oxygen Index |
ISO 5659 |
Smoke Density Chamber (Horizontal Test) |
VDE 0472-813 |
Corrosion Test Apparatus |
FM 4910 |
Fire Propagation Apparatus |
Non-Combustibility Test |
UL94 |
Plastic Flammability Test |
ABD0031 |
Smoke Density Chamber Toxicity Test Attachment |
NES 713 |
Toxicity Test Attachment |
DIN 50055 |
White Light Smoke Measurement System |
FAR PT 25 Appendix F part I
CPA 184 |
Vertical Flammability Test |
NFPA 701 Test method #1 |
Flammability Test |
NFPA 701 Test method #2
California Title 19. |
Vertical Flammability Test
(Small & Large Scale) |
l ConeCalc – for the Cone Calorimeter
l SmokeBox – for the Smoke Density Chamber (with full support for the ISO 5659)
l SBICalc – for the Single Burn Item
l IMOSoft – for the IMO / ISO 5658 / LIFT Spread Of Flame
l NonComb – for the ISO 1182 Non-combustibility
l CubeCalc – for the 3 metre cube
l FRPSoft – for the Flooring Radiant Panel
l 162Soft – for the ASTM E 162 Radiant Panel Flame Spread Apparatus
l FPACalc – for the Fire Propagation Apparatus
l OSUCalc – for the Ohio State University Heat Release Apparatus
l CableSoft – for the FIPEC cable test
