Aerated Cell
To study how thermal stability is affected by air flow through bulk powder (e.g. in fluid bed dryers). (John Abbot, Prevention of Fires & Explosions in Dryers 2nd ed., IChemE).
Comes complete with oven, temperature controller equipment, data acquisition hardware and software, selection of thermocouples, set of vessels, mounting stand and comprehensive manual. Oven fitted with air pre-heating coil and side mounted air flow meter.
Diffusion Cell
To study powder decomposition under bulk powder conditions where there is no forced aeration of the powder (e.g. hoppers, silos or bulk powder dryers). (John Abbott, Prevention of Fires & Explosions in Dryers 2nd ed., IChemE).
Comes complete with oven, temperature controller equipment, data acquisition hardware and software, selection of thermocouples, set of vessels, mounting stand and comprehensive manual. |

Internal view of oven - Aerated Cell and mount. Shows sample vessel and mounting stand together with air pre-heating pipe work. For the Diffusion Cell test, the vessel lid is detached from the main vessel body to allow natural air diffusion. |